Thought of the Day 10.22.08

So far in my Christian life, I’ve found four different ways of inappropriately using God.

1. Following God as a way to be more wealthy and healthy, using Him for financial and medical benefits. This is sometimes called the prosperity gospel.
2. Following God to have a better marriage, using Him for relational benefits. This is sometimes called Christian counseling.
3. Following God to become more wise, using Him for intellectual benefits. This is sometimes called theology.
4. Following God to become more moral, using Him for character benefits. This is sometimes called Christianity…mistakenly.

Having tried these four (there may be others I’ve missed), I’m now beginning to really see that the purpose of following God is to get the benefit of having God. And if I only ever get that one precious benefit, I’ll spend eternity joyously counting my blessings on one finger.


Stan said...

Years ago my mother showed me a quote. I put it in my Bible. I put it on my blog. I keep it near me.

My goal is God, Himself.
Not joy or peace or even blessing,
but Himself, my God.
'Tis His to lead me there --
not mine, but His.
By any road, dear Lord,
at any cost. - F. Brook

I think that's something like what you just said.

Andrew Tallman said...

The primary difference being that F. said it better. =)

The last one about becoming a more virtuous person is the one I'm disentangling myself from right now. Definitely the stickiest tar baby yet.