TOD 02.01.08

What percentage of the vote does God get? I don’t mean in politics, I mean in the elections you hold daily inside your head. Think of your decision-making process being like a tiny little Senate with 100 votes from various political parties including reason, desire, habit, spouse, friends, parents, law, morality, and God. How big is God’s voting block?

I suppose some people would say He should get all 100 votes, but even Jesus didn’t demonstrate such a dictatorship when asking the Father for a reprieve. It seems more correct that God wants 51 votes (maybe 60 just to end filibusters) which means you’re willing to do what He wants, even if just barely. In all honesty, most of us probably grant God fewer seats than this, which is why we sometimes obey Him and sometimes not. Lacking enough seats Himself, He must form coalitions with other parts of us to get His agenda across.

If so, do you think God is fully satisfied having less than a majority? And why don’t we allow Him more votes?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ultimately, we should base our decisions, no matter how great or how trivial on the basis of what would please our Lord. God is a part of every aspect of our lives, and as He created us, He should have the highest seat in each of our "houses". As for God being fully satisfied, Genesis said "He looked at His creation and saw that it was good." He was satisfied then, and as long as we are His, He remains satisfied today.