Thought of the Day 09.29.08

“Christianity is just a crutch for weak-minded people who can’t handle the cold harsh reality about life. It’s just a cop-out for people who don’t want to process this reality and the implications of it. Christians just aren’t strong enough to handle the disillusionment that comes from losing a cherished fantasy. When life is difficult, and circumstances are beyond your power to fix, Christians turn to the promise of some Savior in the sky who is going to rescue you from this painful and frustrating world. What Christians should do is stop being such weak-willed people and grow up. All this talk of faith and salvation is evidence that you aren’t strong enough to deal with the truth.”

If someone said this to you, what would you reply?

I know what I would say.

“Guilty as charged. I’m weak, needy, and impotent. Thank you for so clearly identifying the incompatibility of pride with loving God.”

1 comment:

Coffee Snob said...

Former Christian comedian Mike Warnke used to say "Yea, Christianity's a crutch. But a crutch ain't bad when you're crippled."