Thought of the Day 08.22.08

Truth-telling is a difficult thing. There are so many ways to tell the truth and go wrong that many of us wind up simply choosing to avoid telling the truth altogether. Consider the judges on American Idol and America’s Got Talent. Each show has a harsh truth-teller who seems to enjoy using the truth to wound people, a sweet, demure truth-avoider who seems to think being nice is more important than being honest, and a wild card who oscillates somewhere between these two errors.

While the blunt lashes from the tongues of Simon and Piers are clearly not a Christian ideal, neither are the sweet niceties from the mouths of Paula and Sharon. Though Randy and David are regularly less than perfect, at least they seem to be trying to find a way to be as honest as possible while also being as loving as possible.

As Christians, we must exemplify both of these because abandoning either is unacceptable. Fortunately for us, we have a Savior who both gave us His example and guides us with His Spirit in just such difficult endeavors.


Stan said...

Who but Andrew would get "How to tell people the truth" from American Idol and America's Got Talent? :)

Andrew Tallman said...

=)! You made me chuckle big.