Thought of the Day 08.14.08

One thing that women don’t always understand about men is their fundamental insecurity about who they are and their place in the universe. Men have a deep need to prove their value, which means that they derive a tremendous amount of their identity from what they do. Why else would we build skyscrapers, wage wars of conquest, and compete for little fake bronze figures atop three dollar trophies? This is also why unemployment is so devastating to most of us.

Men are constantly seeking to prove their manhood, and cultures traditionally facilitated this through rites of male passage and by delineating unique roles and responsibilities for men. In our not-really-so-wisdom, we’ve abandoned these practices and called it progress or equality.

But God knew better. The reason He made priesthood and eldership uniquely male domains was to prevent them from ever becoming womanly so that men would never think that seeking and serving God was anything other than a truly masculine thing to do…virtually a requirement of manhood.


Elizabeth said...

I would say that women also "have a deep need to prove their value." While your examples seem to point to a male need for public recognition, I'd say women seek more localized attention from their husbands, children, and friends.

Men need to be valued by the world, and women need to be valued by men. Kind of makes sense given the order of their creation.

Andrew Tallman said...

Wow. What an insight. I hadn't even thought of that aspect of things. Thanks. =)