Thought of the Day 08.11.08

The other day, I suffered what every parent of young children has experienced many times: a shirt stain. Ethan had been walking along holding a railing and fell but forgot to let go the rail, so he pendulumed himself into the lower half of the bars. Not enough to get hurt, but just enough to make him cry and, when picked up for comfort, spray recently swilled milk onto my shoulder.

I was wearing a dress shirt, but it wasn’t white. So I didn’t give it any further thought after I’d done my best to dab it clean with a paper towel. That’s why I was a little caught off guard several hours later when I noticed the spots in a mirror.

For a moment I was annoyed, but that was quickly replaced by defiant pride. “If anyone wants to look at me, well I don’t care because this is a badge of honor, not a problem!” Then that passed and I realized that, if anyone did ask, I could nicely mention my children which would likely generate a knowing smile and perhaps a conversation. From annoyance to defiance to relationship. Most embarrassment has such a potential if only we’ll let all the various forms of pride clear out of the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Andrew, for being such a good Dad.
