Thought of the Day 10.06.09

My sons love to eat meat. Chicken, steak, ham, ribs, bacon, bratwurst, pepperoni, hamburger. Meat. Pretty much all meat. Now, since I’m the cook, I usually serve their food warm. But somehow Ethan has gotten it into his head that meat is better cold, like hot dogs and boloney. This means that when I announce the menu, he often tells me that he wants it cold. It’s my job to know whether he’ll actually eat it cold, and either consent to or deny his request accordingly.

Well, this morning as I was reheating some fried chicken for breakfast, Ethan suddenly started insisting, “Don’t cook my chicken, daddy.” At first I ignored him, but I finally sighed and gave him a cold wing. Of course I knew he wouldn’t like it since he likes to eat the skin, and cold fried chicken skin is gnarly. So all I had to do was wait a minute until he took a bite and announced to me, “Can you cook this, daddy?” Of course I can.

My boys know I love them, and they know I know better than they do. But getting enough credibility with them to trust me just seems like one of those things all parents struggle to achieve. So, they still insist on things I know they won’t like and resist things I know they will like. Now why would God would make children be like that?


Stan said...

I never learned so much about myself and God as I did when I became a father. My, how kids reflected me back to myself in ways I never expected.

On a light note, knowing how you are about grammar and such, "boloney" isn't quite right. You either meant "baloney" -- pretentious or silly talk -- or "bologna" -- a seasoned smoked sausage. (Since "boloney" can be a variant of either, you'll have to specify.) :)

Andrew Tallman said...

I initially had it as bologna, but it just sounded pretentious, so I rewrote it with the word we actually use. Although my children certanly like foolishness (and prefer it served cold), I meant the sandwich meat, as I think you already knew. =)