Thought of the Day 06.30.09

Surely the most bewildering aspect of the Christian faith is it’s central tenet: that in suffering on the Cross, Jesus paid off all the sins of humanity. Although substitutionary atonement itself can be baffling, even harder is comprehending how just three hours of Christ’s pain could pay off this massive debt.

But what if we take that seemingly absurd idea seriously and start from the premise that Jesus did, in fact, pay enough? Well, then the only solution must be that His love for the Father was so majestically vivid that a mere three hour interruption of it was adequate to match all the suffering of billions of people in hell for eternity.

And the amazing thing, which can only barely be comprehended, is that we will have eternity to share in and experience this same sort of bliss. A bliss whose sweetness must make even the greatest agonies of this life seem like mere nicks and scrapes by comparison.

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