Thought of the Day 06.16.09

Why do people who are saved by Jesus still live lives in pursuit of money, fame, power, achievement, and pleasure? It’s fairly simple. Because though we teach salvation by Christ, we don’t teach the whole spectrum of what salvation means.

Do you derive all of your significance in life from your relationship to Jesus? Is the very meaning of your life and identity rooted exclusively in Him? Is Jesus the source of your greatest satisfaction and happiness?

See, even though we know we are saved by Christ, in truth most of us still use other things to meet our real needs. So we act as worshippers of them rather than of Him. We’re not acting contrary to our faith, we’re acting in perfect alignment with what we really have faith in.

When we fully love Jesus, we will find ourselves indifferent to money, fame, power, achievement, and pleasure. But so long as we still love these things we will, to that degree, remain indifferent to Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me, the problem is in the limited, simple understanding people often have of Christianity. The verse John 3:16 states that "whosoever believeth shall not perish but have everlasting life". Well, that's the extent of it for a lot of people I think. It was for me. They take that passage too simply: "all I gotta do is believe it and I'm in?"--Sold! I believe; and then back to whatever life they were living for the most part maybe with a little more church, a little less cursing. For me it was a lack of tutelage in what it really meant to be a Christian, to really believe. What I got and saw was a lot of legalism. You gotta follow these rules now, say you believe in these causes, be nice to everyone, answer the questions like this. Plus, the confusion from John 3:16 is the word "believe". For whatever reason, to many that just means: I believe that Jesus did exist and did die for my sins. It's just belief as a matter of fact, but not of commitment to changing one's life. Maybe trust would be a better word to use. That may lead to more digging for what it actually means to really trust and believe in Jesus for salvation.-BA