Thought of the Day 12.01.08

If your favorite outfit gets ruined, you feel some pain. If your favorite television show gets cancelled, you grieve a bit. If your pet runs away, you cry. If your business implodes, you hurt deeply. If your parent passes away, you weep. And if your spouse or children are killed, you feel an unbearable ache. The more deeply attached to something you are, the greater you suffer its loss.

Now try to imagine the sort of intimacy that must have existed between Jesus and the Father if a mere three hours of separation on the Cross caused Jesus enough anguish to pay off the debt which otherwise would have required billions of people to suffer total disintegration throughout all of eternity.

It’s not that Jesus died for us that is impressive. It’s that He endured such unimaginable spiritual torture for us which is truly awe-inspiring. And that He loves us enough to consider that a bargain.


Coffee Snob said...

"which otherwise would have required billions of people to suffer total disintegration throughout all of eternity."

Just to be clear: When you say "total disintegration," are you referring to annihilation?
This would be in direct conflict with the doctrine of hell - not a popular idea these days, but certainly a Biblical one.

Keith S.

Andrew Tallman said...

Fret not, dear Keith. =) I haven't become an annihilationist.

Note the whole phrase, "suffer total disintegration throughout all of eternity." The duration is eternal and the suffering is ongoing. What I expect hell primarily means is continually discovering new benchmarks of totality in disintegration much as heaven likely means discovering new benchmarks in totality of integration, harmony, and blissful worship of God. "I never thought it could get any better" will be a daily comment in heaven. "I never thought it could get any worse" will be a daily comment in hell. Or so I expect.