Thought of the Day 11.21.08

The passage of Prop 8 in California has sparked what no one is yet calling a sex war in this country. Demonstrations, fake Anthrax mailings, threats, assaults, invasions of churches, mob scenes, defacing of property, and even blacklisting are all realities in the last week. It’s really quite something. So how should Christians respond?

It’s not an easy question to answer. But we should start by remembering that Christianity must never be confused with traditional values-ism. Christians do not believe that people need to do better. We believe that people need a Savior who will lead them to do better. They need redemption, not moral improvement. And the real task of the Church is to draw people to Christ, not to convince them to clean up their act, since no act will ever be clean enough.

So we live with this awful tension between being Christians who want to draw the lost to Christ and being citizens who want to protect our culture from evil. At the very least we must be sure that our response grows prayerfully from the truth of both principles.

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