Thought of the Day 11.26.08

I have a rather unusual question for you. Consider any sinful person that you happen to know personally. Now imagine that you have to make a choice between seeing that person give up his wicked ways, clean up his life, and become moral but not know Christ or else seeing him come to Jesus but remain an immoral reprobate. Which would you prefer?

Of course the right answer is obvious to all real Christians, even those who are inclined to dispute the question’s validity. But the point here is not which answer to the question is correct, but rather how quickly it took you to arrive at it.

If you hesitated even momentarily after hearing and comprehending the options, that is substantial evidence that you are still in the clutches of hellish moralism and have not yet fully digested the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Satan doesn’t particularly like you preaching morality. But he only bothers to actually oppose you when you preach the Gospel.

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