Thought of the Day 01.28.10

What, exactly, might it mean to “forsake all others, so long as we both shall live,” to a person making this vow? Here are some possibilities (as told from the male perspective):

View 1: I’d really rather not give up all other women. Unfortunately, my woman requires this stupid promise, and if that’s what I have to do to have her, okay.

View 2: Getting married is the only way to make sure she won’t leave me for another guy. So, since I want security, I’ll give up some freedom in exchange.

View 3: It’s easy to make this vow, since I don’t want anyone else but her. I’m thrilled to get such a great wife.

Oddly, these three views each seem so different until you realize how similar and selfish they all sound when compared with one final possibility:

View 4: I want my wife to know that I am completely hers. I want to serve and glorify her for the rest of my life, and forsaking all others is the only way to really say that.

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