Thought of the Day 07.15.09

Have you ever worked with someone who was totally motivated by money? I mean someone of whom it could really be said that he loved money more than anything else? A person like this is really interesting to watch and think about.

For instance, imagine he encounters a potential client who is abrasive, demanding, and obnoxious, in short, a detestable person. Most of us would treat them accordingly, but not the money-lover. Putting aside his personal preferences, he can sweet-talk, entertain, and even become quite chummy with Mr. Difficult…so long as there might be a profit in it.

Of course if the prospects ever fade, so will the nice-guy act. But the money-lover is capable of working with almost anyone and enduring almost anything so long as there is a commission to be had from it.

And although most of us find such people disturbing, there is actually something admirable about their devotion and what they will do in the pursuit of their true love. I wonder what would happen to this world if we Christians loved God even half as zealously as that?

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