Thought of the Day 07.16.08

I want you to imagine a very strange family. There are twelve children, who follow their parents’ rules perfectly. They treat each other with dignity and respect, never fighting or calling names. They even share with each other and cooperate on everything. Observers regularly express awe at their orderliness, but there’s one thing missing: aside from obedience, the children totally ignore their parents.

When asked, they proclaim no affection for either mom or dad, and the kids never spend time with the adults. So here’s the question: is this a successful family? Put it another way: are the parents pleased with this result? Speaking as a parent, I would be horrified. But can you even imagine this entire set of facts being true? Neither can I.

And that’s why it’s so naïve to think people can be good to their fellow man without first loving God, their Father. But even if it were possible, what sort of parent would God be if He were actually satisfied with such a result?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the value the kids learn is to love others, the "others" includes both the parents and the other children. This, I think, would be the most successful family model, whether there are parents (God) or not.