Thought of the Day 07.03.08

Imagine that I buy my wife a dozen roses and tell her she’s precious to me. Good, right? But what if she’s not in the mood later, and I say, “Why did I waste my money on flowers?” Not so good. Imagine that I bring my coworkers pie and cookies several times. Good, right? But what if someone else gets employee of the month, and I say “Why did I bother bringing all that stuff?” Not so good.

Now imagine that I accept Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins? Good, right? But what if, on the Day of Judgment, God says I never loved Him, and I say, “Why did I waste my time acting like a Christian all those years?” Not so good. See, salvation is primarily about honoring God, not getting something from Him.

And the true evil of advertising Jesus as the best fire insurance policy isn’t that selfish people will mistakenly think they’ve manipulated God into saving them. It’s that we’ve dishonored God by making His Glory secondary to man’s happiness.

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