Stop judging me by my....

I’m more than just a pretty face. So don’t judge me by my looks and body.

I’m more than just a pretty financial portfolio. So don’t judge me by my income and savings.

I’m more than just a pretty mind. So don’t judge me by my beliefs and insights.

I’m more than just a pretty personality. So don’t judge me by my wit and social skills.

I’m more than just a pretty character. So don’t judge me by my virtues and my standards.

Although we’re pretty quick to see the superficiality of being judged by our looks, in the end aren’t all of these ways of being judged pretty superficial? I mean they can all change or disappear entirely, and most of them will if I live long enough, right? So why do we invest so heavily in them and strive to be judged by them?

I have a different proposal. Judge me by the fact that the Creator of the universe loves me enough to die for me. I promise I’ll try my best to judge you the same way.

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