Bad medicine only diagnoses the symptoms.

Precisely because we love America so dearly, it can be understandably difficult to objectively assess some of the things that are going on in our beloved country. So, permit me a moment to make some unflattering observations.

In America, we love capitalism because it allows the individual to best satisfy his material needs and desires. We love freedom because it permits him to express himself and pursue happiness fully. And we love democracy because it forms a government best fit to the will of the individuals it represents.

But notice that there is only one worldview which is truly compatible with these key American values: individual relativism. Whatever else you might say about him, the one thing that a person in a traditional culture would never even consider it might be possible to do is fashion his own personal moral or religious code.

So the real question for Americans is not whether babies are precious, marriage is for life, or Jesus is the real Savior. The real question is whether a society which has already embraced capitalism, freedom, and democracy can even answer such questions. We don’t yet know for sure, but the evidence at this particular moment in history isn’t encouraging.

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