Thought of the Day 04.06.10

Sadly, there are some people who still nurture the suspicion that our President, Barack Obama, is secretly a Muslim. Taking this bizarre hypothesis seriously for a moment, let’s see what sort of a Muslim he would be.

Obama is extremely pro-abortion, but Muslims are staunchly pro-life. Obama favors expanding gay entitlements at every opportunity, but Muslims consider homosexuality a grave sin. Obama consumes alcohol and appears addicted to smoking, both of which are sins in Islam.

But more obviously, the President does not pray five times a day, nor toward Mecca; he doesn’t fast at the appointed times; he doesn’t read the Koran; he doesn’t acknowledge Mohammed or Allah; and he doesn’t speak Arabic. Finally, he goes to Christian services with Christian ministers, prays to Jesus Christ, and openly affirms Christianity…all of which points to a simple, obvious conclusion:

Barack Obama is either not a Muslim at all or else he is one of the very worst Muslims in the whole entire world, and wouldn’t that basically be the same thing?

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