Thought of the Day 05.29.08

“And by the power vested in me by God and the State of Arizona, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” These very interesting sentences finish most weddings, at least the ones done in this state. But consider all being said here. People have neither the power to make marriage nor the permission to act as if they are married without the endorsement of a substantial authority.

For many people, the notion that someone must grant them permission to do such things will seem antiquated. Yet these phrases simply acknowledge that such permission does in fact come from God (who makes two persons one flesh) and government (which certifies the union). And even though people often behave as if they don’t need such permission, the fact that they seek official recognition of their status means that something deep inside them knows that they actually do.

And in an age where people have fallen under the delusion that power and authority flow from personal preference, a marriage ceremony might remind us that this is not really the case.


Prophet said...

Are you saying that you believe only government sanctioned marriages are valid?

Andrew Tallman said...

Since we are called to submit to government and they regulate marriage, we are obligated to cooperate with their rules unless they become clear violations of Scripture. I have a marriage license from the State of Illinois performed by my father (an ordained pastor) and witnessed by two people. I would recommend every other Christian do the same. I think the way you phrased your question misses this point. I don't know what God considers a valid marriage since the Bible seems quite ambiguous on this point. But I can say with total confidence that the one I have is valid. Someone who neglects a spiritual authority or a civil authority (when there is a relevant law) does not have this same certainty. Hopefully we will discuss this on the show today. =)

Anonymous said...

We need to analyze and be able to articulate the reasons, especially now, why marriage is not just a government issue or a law issue. It is a social concern that two people; 1 man and 1 woman choose each other in a life long, committed relationship with each other. A monogamous, intimate relationship one with the other whether the government ever makes a law or requires it of the two. The government CANNOT EVER change God’s intention of what marriage is and was meant to be or what is meant by marriage. In today’s social economy, marriage is “YOU make ME feel good. And when you don’t make me feel good anymore then I’ll go find someone else who makes me feel good. This is not God’s intention for marriage. This is not only for the purpose of preserving our society, culture, nation and mankind itself, but because humans inherently need this type of relationship to thrive. Intimacy is why God created marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, marriage. Marriage, God’s way, is as close as we are able to come to spiritual knowledge of intimacy with our Creator. Our culture’s current tendency to reject truth for a humanistic sense of ambiguity and free-love is way off.