TOD 03.07.08

On vacation the other day, I was eating breakfast by the pool when I noticed this mother clearly having difficulty with her daughter. The reason I and everyone else on the patio noticed her was that the little girl was having a meltdown, screaming and complaining like a diva. I could see from the mother’s face that she was frustrated by her daughter but also embarrassed to know she was disturbing all the people on the patio. But the worst part for her, I suspect, was the idea that all these strangers were judging her in their irritation.

But we weren’t, at least those of us who have children of our own weren’t. We’ve all been there. I shared an understanding glance with an older woman near me that I wished the mother could have seen. I never did manage to figure out a good way to tell her that we weren’t judging her. But even though I didn’t send the message directly, I prayed that she would know she’s not alone in this thing. We’re all in there with her, feeling far more compassion than she will ever know.

And if any of us aren’t, well, then they aren’t really “us” in the first place, are they?

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