Why not take it?

For a couple of days now, there has been a Peter Piper Pizza game token sitting on the counter next to the sink in the community men’s room here at work. It’s not something you can easily miss. Nevertheless, no one has taken it. In my mind, there are four reasons why not:

1. People generally don’t want to pick up anything in the bathroom, even when it’s right next to the sink and, thus,easy to clean.

2. Nobody yet has thought they were likely to go to Peter Piper in the near future, either because they don’t have kids or because they’d just as likely misplace it as wind up using it.

3. Realizing it doesn’t belong to them means people don’t want to take it because it feels a bit like stealing from our informal little 5th floor community.

4. Taking something of such little value under these circumstances is an admission of low socio-economic status. Not taking it is worth more in pride points than taking it is worth in monetary value.

For my own part, I didn’t take it, either. I’m just an observer who writes about stuff. But I think it would be interesting to see what might happen to something of greater value.

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