What does legalism look like?

A few weeks ago, Buffalo Bills receiver Steve Johnson dropped a game-winning touchdown pass and went on Twitter to say, “I praise you 24/7!!!!!! And this how you do me!!!!! You expect me to learn from this?? How???!!! Ill never forget this!! Ever!!!” (sic)

I think any of us can understand the frustration someone might feel at such a moment of personal failure. But this outburst has the hidden gift of honesty. In such an unguarded moment, Johnson showed that he doesn’t really know the Gospel. Oh, he may be able to repeat the basic facts of it, but it hasn’t really penetrated to his being yet.

This Tweet shows that he considers his good behavior as “extra credit” to bribe God into giving him the things he wants in his life. In contrast, the Gospel teaches that God gives us things on the basis of His Character, not our behavior. Any obedience is just a meager response to His majestic gift, and whatever He allows in our lives is a pittance compared to the true joy and wealth of merely knowing we are accepted by Him.

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