Thought of the Day 06.11.10

Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?

Okay, good. Now I have just a few other questions:
Can you name the twelve apostles?
Can you name five cities in ancient Israel?
Can you tell me the names of any four judges of in the book of Judges?
To what audience was the Gospel of Mark written?
How much of the Sermon on the Mount do you have committed to memory?
Can you recite the Ten Commandments in order?
Do you know all 66 books of the Bible by name?
What is the main message of the book of Habakkuk?
Can you name the seven churches of the book of Revelation?
What’s the name of the first Gentile to covert to Christianity in the book of Acts?
Who were the twelve direct descendants of Jacob/Israel?
Do you know what happened on the road to Jericho? How about the road to Damascus? Emmaus?

Just one more question:
Do you still want to say that you believe the Bible is the Word of God?

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