Thought of the Day 06.08.10

If the customer is the person who pays for the service, who is the customer of our education system? Not the student. Not the parent. Not even the employer. Rather, it must be the society or government.

When viewed this way, there seem to be three criteria for evaluating the quality of the service. First, is it creating qualified, informed voters? Second, is it producing ethical people and hence law-abiding citizens? Third, is it producing integrated, mutually compatible members of a coherent culture? Given that all three of these objectives are so abysmally achieved, one might reasonably ask whether our educational system is even truly striving toward them anymore. Then again, what if the government is a customer who is getting exactly what he wants, namely a population which both needs and accepts an ever-expanding government?

See, if something is so horribly broken, the natural (and frightening) question is whether it’s brokenness is a result of incompetence…or design.

1 comment:

discipled-one said...


Your first paragraph is confusing. I don't think that the customer of the education system is the government. I think the customer is the students and the parents, with the government providing the service.

That being said, when you look at your statements you made from that point of view, this entry in blog makes sense, especially the third paragraph which a person can only draw one logical conclusion - the system is broken because of incompetence and the apathy of those who install the people running is (us).

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