Thought of the Day 04.18.08

People don’t always understand my thoughts of the day, and there’s a very intentional reason for that. See, art is good when it entices people to think rather than telling them what to think, and this requires choosing just the right level of complexity. Too cryptic, and people get frustrated. Too obvious, and they get bored. So my goal is to present these thoughts at just the right level to cultivate thought without coercing it.

Rather than taking so much pride in my ideas that I want to duplicate them in your head, I take my pride in giving you the opportunity to grow meaningful ones of your own. And the best way to know I have successfully failed to mentally tyrannize you is that you sometimes draw a different conclusion than I intended.

So am I bothered by this? No. I’m excited to be the catalyst for your creativity. And if this sometimes means that people don’t get it at all, well that’s just evidence that I’m using enough self-restraint to leave space for that creativity when it does come.

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