A modern-day Shadrach.

As you probably heard, several years ago, the International Astronomical Union told us that Pluto was no longer a planet. What you may not have known is the story behind this reclassification of our Solar System.

In 2005, astronomer Mike Brown discovered an object slightly larger than Pluto in orbit around the Sun (eventually named Eris). But this created a problem because both of them are so much smaller than any of the other planets. So, the IAU had to figure out new standards and decide whether to include both as planets or exclude them. In the end, they excluded both.

But here’s the cool part. That’s precisely what Mike Brown wanted to happen. Even though he would have been forever famous as the man to discover Planet X, he knew that his discovery (and Pluto) didn’t really deserve that label. And his commitment to scientific accuracy over notoriety made him glad for the double-demotion. This, of course stunned the media, so long-accustomed to people selfishly clawing and scratching for any scrap of fame they can find.

And just to prove this wasn’t a fluke, Brown had just prior in 2004 discovered another celestial body, Haumea, but was willing to grant credit for the discovery to someone who most likely stole his research and certainly wasn’t first to find it. How does a fame-worshipping culture like ours even comprehend such actions?

It’s hard to understand when someone doesn’t bow down to your golden statue.

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