Why are you surprised?

In the span of about ten minutes on my way to work today, God gave me five new insights that could be articles or thoughts of the day. Since I’ve long since accepted that such insights are one of His primary forms of blessing me, I naturally jotted them all down so as to not be a bad steward. Afterward I just sat there marveling at the scandalous generosity of God, amazed that He gives me these things when I don’t deserve them.

But my shock suddenly turned around on me. “Why am I so surprised? God doesn’t bless me because I deserve it, but because He is generous. So why am I so amazed? I must still secretly think I should only get what I deserve. I actually believe the universe runs on merit rather than on God’s character. Man!

“I guess it’s okay to be honored by God’s gift, but when I’m shocked by it, that reveals something else entirely. Besides, if I realize that God gives what He wants to give rather than what I deserve, I won’t be bummed out or self-critical if He ever gives less lavishly. Neither getting nor not getting will surprise me because I’ll truly believe God’s character is running things.”

Correction. Six insights.

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