What's your system?

Ethics test question 1: If the speed limit is 65, but everyone else is driving 75, what speed would you drive?

Some people would answer, “75, because everyone else is going 75.” This ethical system is called cultural relativism.

Some people would answer, “70, because even though it’s over the limit, I don’t want to be unsafe.” This ethical system is called pragmatism.

Some people would answer, “70, because I want to speed, but the cops aren’t going to pull me over if others are going faster.” This ethical system is called egoism.

Some people would answer, “65, because I have a duty to obey the law, especially when I disagree with it.” This ethical system is called absolutism.

Some people would answer, “70, because that way I’m sort of honoring the law and sort of going along with traffic and I probably won’t get caught and it’s probably safer and I sort of want to go fast anyhow.” There is no name for this answer. Only serious answers deserve a label.

1 comment:

Scott D. said...

What about the response that I observe the speed limit at the request of my God who commanded that we obey the civil authority? Would this still be considered absolutism even if our motive is to be a blessing to our leaders rather than a burden?