Thought of the Day 06.19.08

After my long hunt to find a place to buy them at non-exorbitant prices, I’ve recently been building model airplanes with my son. In fact, last week, I brought one home to do with him three times. But then a funny thing happened. He started asking me every day if I brought one home. That’s a reasonable question. What wasn’t reasonable was the angry fit he threw when I told him I hadn’t. Same thing the next day, which I again corrected him about.

On the third day, I actually had bought one because a coupon was expiring, but I told him I hadn’t. He wasn’t as upset this time. But for the few days since then, he has still been asking every day and expressed some degree of disappointment or anger. I’m waiting until we go a few days where he either doesn’t ask at all or, more ideally, asks and says something like, “That’s okay, daddy, thank you for the ones I already have.” At this point, I’ll surprise him with the new one.

Why? Because I want him to be grateful. Not for my sake, but for his own spiritual health. And if I think giving him what he keeps asking for wouldn’t be the best for his soul, what sort of father would I be if I gave it to him?

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