Thought of the Day 07.01.08

Sometimes I think going to church can confuse us about our place in God’s plan. We see the pastor preach and the worship leader sing, and we mistakenly think they are doing the real work of the Kingdom while we just help support them. But this is exactly backwards.

What they do is wonderful, but a big part of their task is to assist and enable the rest of us in what we do. They help the architect be a more Godly architect. They help the mechanic be a more Godly mechanic. The nurse, the maid, the engineer, the lawyer, the landscaper, and so on. Their job is to help the rest of us glorify God more in what we do. Which is why it’s so surprising that laypeople sometimes think that they are second-class citizens in God’s economy because their ministry is in the workplace. How silly!

God can be glorified by a flower or a fish, and a tree or a chipmunk can surely preach the glory of God. Why wouldn’t the same be true of whatever you do for a living?

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