Not for sale.

Just because I think there’s a problem with my wife, that doesn’t necessarily mean there actually is a problem with my wife.

Just because there really is a problem with my wife, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I am the one who should try to fix it.

Just because I am the one who should help fix a problem with my wife, that doesn’t necessarily mean I am actually right in what I think is the best solution for the problem.

Just because I know the right way to fix a problem with my wife, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she will accept the assistance.

Just because she accepts my help, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will work to solve the problem.

I love her regardless.

I must.

Because if I ever start loving her for who she can become rather than for who she already is, I will have declared to her that she is not yet good enough for me and thereby made it impossible for her to actually become what she should as a gift instead of as a purchase.

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