Thought of the Day 04.09.09

Grammar is divisive. If you speak poorly, those with proper grammar will judge you for your errors. If you speak well, those without it will either resent you for reminding them of their inferiority or actually make fun of you because they don’t even realize how flawed their own usage is.

For instance, if I say, “I am faster than him,” I sound normal to most people, even though it’s ungrammatical. But if I say, “I am faster than he,” I please those who are educated, but I sound like a total nut to everyone else. As someone who lives in communications and doesn’t want to alienate people unproductively, this problem bothers me.

Fortunately, in this one case, it’s possible to please everyone by simply saying, “I am faster than he is.” I don’t know how long this particular construction will remain friendly to both sets of ears, but as long as I can so easily be all things to all people, I intend to do so.

1 comment:

james allen said...

Andrew, well said. I am constantly running into the same problem. Having a clear defined goal for one's work helps keep this in focus.