Thought of the Day 12.05.08

Will being poor keep you out of heaven? No. But being wealthy might, and being stingy almost certainly will.

Will being lonely keep you out of heaven? No. But being popular might, and shunning people almost certainly will.

Will being ugly keep you out of heaven? No. But being beautiful might, and withholding validation from others almost certainly will.

Will being powerless keep you out of heaven? No. But being powerful might, and working to maintain your power at the expense of others almost certainly will.

When Jesus says it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, He isn’t primarily talking about money. Certainly money is included, but the broader implication is that the biggest barrier to entering heaven is having too many of the things this world values and not having enough of the things God values.

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